The list of cultivars for vg0402283132 with genotype C in the All Indica population:

Cultivar Name Cultivar ID Subpopulation Location Accession
Abang_Busur GP628 Indica III Indonesia ERR036871
ADT22 IRIS_313-10519 Indica III India ERS469393
Ea_houm IRIS_313-10655 Indica III Laos ERS469476
CHANTEK_145 IRIS_313-10700 Indica III Malaysia ERS469515
MATIANG IRIS_313-10792 Indica III Indonesia ERS469601
EDAKKADAN_0-69-27 IRIS_313-10833 Indica Intermediate India ERS469636
DUDA_MONOR IRIS_313-10972 Indica III Bangladesh ERS469774
Khao_hae IRIS_313-11085 Indica III Laos ERS469938
GOCHIAGARI IRIS_313-11203 Indica III Bangladesh ERS469994
ARC_15486 IRIS_313-11280 Indica Intermediate India ERS470068
GANDHISAIL IRIS_313-11321 Indica III Bangladesh ERS470113
SAHM_RUANG_NAK IRIS_313-11387 Indica III Thailand ERS470179
PAYO_TINGGI IRIS_313-11905 Indica III Indonesia ERS469048
SAWK_GAM_MAH IRIS_313-11925 Indica III Thailand ERS469070
KERITING_TINGGI IRIS_313-9329 Indica III Indonesia ERS468285